Kua toru marama te ture aukati i ngā tohu kēnge ki ngā wāhi tūmatanui e horapa ana i te motu, ā, ahakoa ngā whakawhiu o te wā, kei te kitea tonutia ngā hua kua puta i ngā mahi a ngā kēnge.
Hai tā te pouwhakahaere o te rōpū manaaki i te hapori, o Lifewise, tā Haehaetu Barrett, ko tā ngā mema kēnge mahi, he atawhai i te hunga rawa kore.
Ko tētahi wāhi e hāpaingia nei e ngā mema kēnge, ko te whare kawhe a Lifewise, a Merge.
He whare e poipoi ana, e whāngaihia ana te hunga rawa kore, ā, ko rātau hoki ētahi o ngā kaihāpai.
Hai tā Barrett, me kore te tangata e aro ki te hē o ngā kēnge, heoi anō, me rapu hoki i te tika o ngā mahi.

“What we see within the gang whānau environment is actually they give us a lot of guidance around working with the most hardcore, you could say it like that, and they also come to us for help to help with their members.”
Kai runga i te rori o Karangahape te whare kawhe a Merge, ā, ko tā rātau e kite nei, haunga anō ngā ture kāwanatanga, kai reira tonu ngā mema kēnge.
E ngōki tonu ana ngā ngāngara kino o te tiriti nei, e noho nei ki te puku o Tāmaki Makaurau, pērā i te hokona atu o ngā tarukino, engari, kāre e tino kitea ana.
Hai tā Barrett, ahakoa aua āhuatanga kino, ehara i te mea, ki te hē tētahi, ka hē hoki te katoa.
“We all know that there is a high level of risk in some of the areas of gang activity. But we also know that the older, more mature gang leaders are all about whānau and whānau ora.”
Te rori o Karangahape
I ōna wā ko te rori o Karangahape tētahi wāhi e muia ana e te tini me te mano hai whakangahautanga.
Heoi anō, i ngā tau tata kua mahue ki muri, kai te tāmate haere te āhua i hau ai tōna rongo ki ngā tōpito o te motu.

Hai tā Barrett anō, arā noa atu ngā take i pērā ai te āhua o te rori o Karangahape, ā ko te whakaūnga mai o ngā ture e te kāwanatanga te take matua.
“Definitely it would be the change in the living costs, people just don’t have the money anymore, unemployment of course, they aren’t able to take whānau out, they aren’t able to do activities anymore as whānau. For us what we’re seeing up here on K’road is there has been a reduction in even just street whānau wanting to be out and about here anymore, due to a lot of discrimination and judgement.”
I tērā tau i patua tētahi tāne takatāpui i te pāpara kauta o Family, i te rori o Karangahape, mō te mae takatāpui te take.
Ko aua āhuatanga ka rangona e te hunga noho ki te rori nei.

Hai tā te kaiārahi i ngā take o te hapori, nō Lifewise Merge, tā Jolie Leach, e hīkaka ana ia kia hoki mai anō te wairua ngahau ki roto i tēnei hapori o Tāmaki Makaurau.
“It’s known as the streets where people can be themselves, and generally people on K’road are friendly. They’re welcoming, and it really is what I think is the heart of Auckland city. I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else. It’s just an amazing place to be.”