
‘Smear Your Mea’ cyclists set off for Te Matatini ki Te Kāhui Maunga

Ride for Talei

Kua tīmata te kaupapa ‘Ride for Talei’ i te rā nei, he kaupapa whakatairanga i te mate pukupuku, he tino kaupapa ki te kaihautū ō mua o te kaihautū ō-mua o Te Pāti Māori, o Te Ururoa Flavell, he roa nōna e kawe nei i te hōtaka o ‘Smear Your Mea.’

I te ata nei, e 20 ngā kaieke paihikara i wehe atu i Ōrākei, i Tāmaki Makaurau.

Ka mutu, hei tā Te Ururoa, he tino haerenga tēnei, inā rā, kei te whakamāui tonu ia i te mate pukupuku repe tātea.

“Kei te pai ahau, kua āhua puta i te rua engari kei reirā tonu tēnei mate ahakoa pai mai, kino mai ka noho tonu kei roto i te tangata nei.'

“Nō reirā kei te pēra hoki nāianei, ehara i te mea kei te pakari tonu pēnei i ngā rua tau kua hipa. Engari kei te pai,”

Long days ahead for cyclists

The team of cyclists is set to arrive in Taranaki on Thursday, as part of a health promotion initiative.

The group will host a series of events at four key locations around Taranaki Maunga, offering free HPV testing for women and sharing vital information on cervical and prostate cancer.

The campaign highlights the importance of early screening in combating these cancers, aiming to raise awareness and encourage proactive health measures within the community.

These events are organised in collaboration with Taranaki health and social services organisation Tui Ora, which will provide a mobile health clinic to support the initiative.

The ‘Ride for Talei’ continues to honour Morrison’s legacy, promoting health awareness and encouraging proactive health measures within the community.

Te Ururoa Flavell

Flavell said if Talei was here today she would be proud of the efforts the campaign has done on cancer awareness.

“It started with Talei; her family are here and has been attached to this program since before the attention of the nation was on to this campaign,

“I know she will be happy and humbled to have her name mentioned within teams to this day,”

Maioha Panapa
Maioha Panapa

Maioha Panapa. He uri teenei no Ngai Taamanuhiri, Rongowhakaata, Te Whaanau a Apanui me Waikato Maniapoto.