Regional | Tāmaki Makaurau

Pukekohe school faces uncertainty amid governance dispute

“The stance you’re taking now doesn’t benefit our tamariki!”

I tutū ake ai te puehu i tētahi hui i waenga i te marae o Ngā Hau e Whā me te kura o Te Taamatatanga o Pukekohekohe, ko te oranga tonutanga o te kura te kaupapa

A Pukekohe-based kura is facing an uncertain future as the Ministry of Education reviews a pause application submitted by Ngā Hau e Whā Marae, raising tensions between the school and the marae’s board of trustees.

Te Taamatatanga o Pukekohekohe, a satellite school of Papakura High School, was established eight months ago and now serves 29 students. Supporters of the kura argue that the pause application threatens its long-term survival, while the marae’s trustees have expressed concerns over governance and decision-making.

The disagreement has led to frustration among kaiako and whānau, with some calling for the trustees to reconsider their stance. However, the marae has not publicly detailed its reasons for seeking the pause, and trustees have yet to respond to requests for comment.

Kura supporter and kaiako Pikiteora Mura-Hita voiced her disappointment in the decision.

“The stance that you’re taking right now doesn’t benefit our tamariki. And if it doesn’t, then whai ara anō hei oranga mō ngā tamariki. Whakatahangia ngā raruraru. He aha te kaupapa nui? Ko te oranga o ā mātou tamariki, koirā noa.”

He pōrarurarutanga ki waenga i te kura me te marae

I tutū ake te pūehu i tētahi hui a te marae i tēnei wiki, ka mutu, ko te oranga tonutanga o te kura te kaupapa matua.

Hai tā Mura-Hita, kua whakapeto ngoi te kura ki te whakamōhio ki ngā tarahiti i ngā āhuatanga katoa o te kura.

E mea ana a Mura-Hita, me whai whakaaro rātou ki ngā tamariki.

“Ka hoki atu au ki tērā kōrero, tērā whakatauākī, i whakatauākītia e taku hoa, e Kāhiwa. Ko te whenua te waiū, ko te tamariki, ko te mokopuna, ko te tauira te kākano. Mā te taamatatanga ka tupu, ka hua.”

What does a pause on the kura mean?

Te Taamatatanga o Pukekohekohe was established eight months ago and now serves 29 students.

Hura-Mita acknowledges the support received from Papakura High School in establishing the satellite school, which has provided essential resources such as books, stationery, and even vans for school excursions.

Despite the dispute, the kura’s staff and supporters remain committed to ensuring the school continues to operate. The Ministry of Education has not yet confirmed when a decision on the application will be made.

“We’re not going to allow that to direct the success of our kura,” Mura-Hita says.

He aha rā kei tua?

E ai ki ngā māngai o te kura, kua kaha rātou ki te whakapā atu ki ngā tarahiti o Ngā Hau e Whā, kia pūrangiaho ai te māramatanga mō te huarahi whakamua.

Hei tā Mura-Hita, he tohe nui tēnei, kaua ki te kura anake, engari ki te whānuitanga o te hapori, nā te mea, ko ngā tauira o te kura, nō ngā whānau tonu o te marae.

“We have reached out multiple times, haramai, haramai ki a mātou, haramai ki ngā hui. They’ve been given dates and times, and we’ve said come and speak on the decisions that have been made.

“We were put there by whānau, so the decisions were based around whānau, tamariki, and mokopuna.

“How many times do we need to reach out? We’ve gone up there and had a hui with them multiple times; just on Monday we did the same.”

“We love our kura. Tautoko mai.”

I tēnei wā, kai te tuhi tono anō te kura kia tuku atu ki Te Tāhuhu o te Mātauranga, kia whakamanatia ai te ingoa o te kura hai wharekura.

Te Ao Māori News has reached out to the board of trustees of Ngā Hau e Whā Marae for comment. They have not yet responded but are considering their options.

Michael Cugley
Michael Cugley

Michael Cugley is a Te Ao Māori News reporter. If you have a story to share with Michael, email him at