National | Kiingi Speech

He urupare te whakahoki a Kiingi Tuuheitia ki te hunga whakahē

He urupare te whakahoki a Kiingi Tuuheitia Potatau Te Wherowhero VII ki te hunga nō roto mai i tōna iwi e whakahē ana i tōna tari.

I tana kauhau tuangahuru mā rua, he kupu mākoi te rere ake i te kīngi Māori.

He tū kotahi ki ngā kaiwhakahē ki Te Kiingitanga.

“I want to secure the stability of the Kingitanga so that my family and my successors no longer have to face external evasive demeaning actions that demean the mana of Kingitanga,” i mea atu a King Tuheitia.

He whakautu tēnei ki te reta nā tōna pouhāpai o mua i tuhi, nā Tukoroirangi Morgan, e kī nei, he karetao te Kiingi.

Nā Morgan tēnei i whiu i muri i te pakirehua o te Tari Hara Taware ki tētehi o ngā kaitohutohu pūmau a te Kiingi.

“I'm sad that there are a few people within us that would wish to publicly undermine my office and therefore the Kiingitanga.”

Ko tāna kōhine a Ngaa Wai Hono I Te Poo i tōna taha, nōna e kauwhau ana ki te hunga wero i tana tari.

“I recall my tupuna Te Wherowhero face similar threats, he simply decided the hole being dug for him will be filled by those with the shovel.”

He kawai whakapapa tō te iwi o Te Arawa, tō Ngāti Piako ki te Kiingitanga i tō rātou tūpuna a Pikiao.

Hei tā kaumātua a Muriwai Ihākara, ahatia ngā tautohetohe ka hāpatia tonutia te Kiingitanga e rātou

He tika anō te wero ki a tātou te iwi Māori. Kia kaha tātou! Kia kaha tātou, kia mātau tātou ki te tikanga o te kotahitanga,” i kī atu a Ihākara.

“Ehara i te mea i roto i te kotahitanga, kāore e taea te whakahē, e kao. Engari kia noho kotahi ai tātou, kia kōrero tahi ai tātou ki a tātou kanohi ki te kanohi, rae ki te rae, kia eke ai tātou ki tā tātou e hiahiatia ana.”

Wheoi, ērā anō te whakamānawa mō te pirimia mō Jacinda Ardern, hei pouarataki i te motu, engari, he kupu anō māna.

“I urge you to continue to demand greater performance from your ministers and their departments. To ensure better outcomes for all citizens and especially Māori,” i kōrero atu ia.

Ko te tohutohu matua a Kiingi Tuheitia ki ngā poutiaki, kia whakariterite rautaki kia tū tonu ai te kaupapa mō ake tonu.