National | 28th Māori Battalion

Last surviving members of 28th Māori Battalion honoured this Anzac Day

Soldiers of the 28th Māori Battalion will be in the thoughts of many people around Aotearoa this Anzac Day.

Mentor to the former executive 28 Māori Battalion Board Matt Te Pou says there are two surviving members, Robert Gillies and Epineha Ratapu, who represent the courage of all Māori soldiers who served.

“They just remind us of a time where we showed a lot of leadership to feel extremely proud. We hear this term first respondents and in a lot of cases the 28th Māori Battalion were the first respondents, says Gillies.

"They showed that at 42nd street. They showed that at the capture of the Railway Station Cassino. So having these last two taonga left is a special thing for us."

Gillies served with B Company and embarked with the 10th Reinforcements and Ratapu served with C Company and embarked with the 7th Reinforcements.

“Even though there’s only two members from two companies I think they represent all the companies including Headquarters Company.”

Te Pou says Gillies and Ratapu will be reminiscing “in their own quiet way” this Anzac Day.

“They’ll remember all their mates,” says Te Pou.

Despite mass gathering being cancelled this Anzac Day due to COVID-19 restrictions, Te Pou says there are a lot of ways that people will be able to honour the Anzacs.

Some ways could include singing waiata, doing karakia, and doing a speech to remember our own tīpuna, he says.

“We can actually reside them to the rest of our whanau in the bubble.”

People can also stand out to their gateway on Saturday morning to pay tribute.

“That’s what a lot of people are going to do at 6 o’clock. They’re going to stand there together, in a show of solidarity and a show of defiance I guess to the coronavirus but more importantly to actually reflect of those who passed away.”

Te Pou says overall, Anzac Day is a time that we reflect on all soldiers who served and in some cases made the ultimate sacrifice.