National | Kingi Tuheitia

‘Loss will be felt’ - Dame Cindy Kiro treasures memories of Kiingi Tuheitia

Governor-General, Dame Cindy Kiro, has farewellled Kiingi Tuheitia Pootatau Te Wherowhero VII who died overnight.

“Papā te whatitiri, hikohiko te uira, i kanapu i te rangi, te whetū ki raro rā, rū ana te whenua, au, au, auē te mamae. He kura tangihia, he maimai aroha, mōu, kua riro ki te kāpunipunitanga o te tangata. Waiho mai mātou ki muri nei, tangi ai, haku ai, mōteatea ai i a koutou i kahakina e ngā ringa o te pō.

“Haere atu rā, haere atu rā, moe mai rā, e te Kiingi, Tuheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII.”

“The thunder crashes, the lightning flashes, it illuminates the heavens, and hammers downward. The land is forever shaking. The sadness within is palpable at the hearing of your passing. We are left bereft, in the knowledge that you have returned to the ancestors.

“Farewell e te Ariki nui, Kiingi Tuheitia Pōtatau Te Wherowhero VII.”

Kiro said she heard the news of his death with great sorrow.

“All Waikato-Tainui and Kiingitanga will be mourning the passing of their leader, and his loss will be felt across Māoridom and the wider Pacific.

“Kiingi Tuheitia built on the mahi of his forebears, advocating for Waikato-Tainui and promoting peace and unity. He inspired iwi Māori to hold fast to our identity and take pride in our reo.”

Kiro and Kiingi Tuheitia attended King Charles’ coronation alongside then prime minister Chris Hipkins last year.

“My husband Richard and I will treasure our memories of the time we spent with Kiingi Tuheitia and Te Makau Ariki, at Waitangi and at the Coronation of King Charles III in London.

“On behalf of all New Zealanders, I extend sincere condolences to Te Makau Ariki, Whatumoana, Korotangi and Ngā Wai Hono I Te Pō.”

Natasha Hill
Natasha Hill

Natasha Hill (Ngāti Whakaaue, Te Ātihaunui-a-Pāpārangi) has an interest in telling rangatahi stories, community, and arts. If you want to share your kōrero, email her at